Obtaining a residence permit in Italy - Real Prestige Properties

Obtaining a residence permit in Italy includes two main groups of issues:

Place where to live (purchase or long-term lease of real estate)
Motive for stay

For financially independent citizens (Residenza Elettiva)

The procedure is provided for by the executive regulation: clause 1 c-quater, art. 11 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of 31.08.1999 No. 394 (Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 31 agosto 1999, n. 394). Visa opening: clause 13 of Appendix A of the Ministerial Decree of 11.05.2011 No. 850 (Decreto Ministeriale 11 maggio 2011 n. 850 “Definizione delle tipologie dei visti d’ingresso e dei requisiti per il loro ottenimento”).

To obtain a visa, it is necessary to present documentary guarantees of the availability of real estate in Italy, suitable for permanent residence, and significant economic resources, which must be stable, legal and allow for their preservation in the future.

Economic resources should not be income related to employment. The sources of such income can be interest on a bank deposit, rent, ownership of real estate, ownership of an enterprise or others, dividends or other income other than hired work.

Documents confirming the existence of real estate in Italy can be a contract for the purchase or rental (for a long period) of residential property.

The immigration procedure on this basis consists of the following stages:

preparation of the initial package of documents in the territory of the applicant’s country of residence;
obtaining a type D visa at the consulate of Italy (submission of documents is also possible through the Visa Center);
entry into Italy and submission of documents for a residential permit (permesso di soggiorno).

Benefits of a residence permit

Significant tax incentives when buying real estate o taxes when buying real estate with a residence permit: 2% instead of 9% of the cadastral value or 4% instead of 10% of the transaction value Property tax when obtaining a residence permit: not charged on main housing.
Public health care.
Possibility of purchasing a car in Italy and the “Casco” insurance program.
Opportunity to participate in state and regional programs for benefits in housing repair and replacement of household appliances (example: reimbursement of 55% of costs for the repair of old housing).
Educational benefits for children, etc.
The possibility of free movement both in the Schengen area and in a number of other countries (short-term stay) that are not part of the Schengen area.
Possibility of preferential taxation when opening and running your own business in Italy.

The mechanism for obtaining a residence permit in Italy

Collecting documents and applying for a “D” visa at the Italian Consulate.
Collection of documents and submission for a residence permit (Permesso di Soggiorno) to the competent authorities in Italy.
Technical procedures in the competent authorities of Italy related to obtaining a residence permit (Permesso di Soggiorno) and a program for the integration and extension of a residence permit.
The basic conditions for obtaining a residence permit for financially independent citizens are:

The applicant can demonstrate and document his financial soundness.
The applicant must have a place of residence in Italy (residenza), in accordance with Italian law, buying or renting a home in the country.

Cost of services

STANDARD services do not include government taxes and expenses, do not include the cost of asset valuation, but include support and preparation of documentation for submission to the competent authorities, information support in obtaining a residence permit for financially independent citizens, work permits, visa support, selection of the correct motive and a package of documents for a residence permit and registration of the relevant documentation. At each stage of selection, registration and receipt, you will be accompanied to all competent authorities by our specialists and specialized partners involved, if necessary.

Additional services. Any activities listed as additional services are not included in the standard service fees.

Additional services are attributed to the applicant – a company, employee, individual or agent representing the applicant. If necessary and at the request of the applicant, our company can provide support in the services of both our specialized and involved specialists, payment for additional services is charged in accordance with the rates indicated below

Rates: In the case of a one-time consultation or partial provision of services using the hourly payment system (upon request and with the client’s approval), our rates are: Lawyers € 100/150 per hour, Assistants € 50/75 per hour.


Residence permit (Applicant) motive – Residenza elettiva: € 7000

Residence permit, each family member from the third member of the Applicant € 4000

Extension of residence permit (Applicant) based on Residenza elettiva € 2500

Extension of residence permit for family members of the Applicant € 2000

Additional services:

Registration at the place of residence in the City (Residenza), for each. € 300

Habitability certificate (Idoneità allogiativa) from € 500

Legalization of documents in the Tribunal Estimate

Translation of documents (Russian-English-Italian)

Opening of INN (codice fiscale) € 150

Bank account opening support € 500